Nōksu: A Hidden Gem of Fine Korean Dining in NYC's 34th Street-Herald Square Subway Station

Sept. 1, 2023 in Travel & Destinations by Charlotte Sinclair

Nōksu / 34th Street-Herald Square subway station

Hey foodies and New York explorers! Ready for the newest hidden treasure in the city's food scene? Nestled right in the 34th Street-Herald Square subway station, there's a restaurant that takes 'hidden gem' to a whole new level. Say hello to Nōksu, a Korean fine dining experience that'll make you rethink the definition of 'subway food.'

First off, let's talk exclusivity. This 12-seat joint isn't just 'walk-in and dine.' Nope, you gotta reserve a spot, and they'll hit you up with an entrance code. Yup, it's like the speakeasy of the culinary world, tucked behind an inconspicuous black door. So, if you're not on the list, you're not getting in. Talk about VIP!

Nōksu / 34th Street-Herald Square subway station

The restaurant's interior, designed by Claire Sujin Kim, is a monochromatic wonderland. Seriously, this place is oozing sophistication. And the artwork? Stunning ink paintings that'll make you feel like you're in a modern Korean palace.

Nōksu / 34th Street-Herald Square subway station

Oh, and let's not forget the chef, Dae Kim, who previously graced the kitchens of the Michelin three-starred Per Se. The dude knows his stuff, and he's showing it off in a 15-dish menu that's nothing short of magnificent. Fair warning: prepare your wallet. A night here will set you back at least $225 per person, but trust me, it's a once-in-a-lifetime food experience.

Nōksu / 34th Street-Herald Square subway station

So, if you've got the bucks and love the thrill of dining in secret, uber-luxurious locations, this is the place for you. I mean, how many people can say they've had a three-star Michelin experience in a subway station?

Nōksu / 34th Street-Herald Square subway station

Booking details are super hush-hush, so make sure to get on that reservation list pronto. And remember, you didn't hear it from me, alright? 😉🍴

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