Dior's Muse, XIN, Dazzles in a Custom Robert Wun Hoodie Masterpiece

Aug. 15, 2023 in Models & Actresses Photos by Julian Everett

XIN / Robert Wun / Dior

Fashion aficionados were left in awe as XIN, the renowned Chinese singer, dancer, and friend of the house of Dior, took the stage in a captivating custom-made hoodie by the innovative designer, Robert Wun. The piece, which can best be described as a harmonious blend of haute couture and contemporary urban wear, utilized an astonishing 60 meters of delicate silk tulle.

The intricate hoodie serves as a testament to Robert Wun's commitment to redefining the boundaries of fashion. Drawing from the ethereal nature of silk tulle, Wun has managed to transform the ubiquitous hoodie into an emblem of luxury and artistry. The cascading layers of tulle, flowing effortlessly with every movement, evoked images of regality, making it an apt choice for a stage costume.

XIN / Robert Wun / Dior

XIN, with her strong stage presence and impeccable fashion sense, did justice to this one-of-a-kind creation. Her persona, combined with the hoodie's voluminous silhouette and airy grace, added an element of drama and flair to her performance. It was a visual feast, watching the waves of tulle shimmer and dance with the spotlight.

XIN / Robert Wun / Dior

The collaboration between XIN and Robert Wun brings to the forefront the ever-evolving nature of fashion. It's a reminder that even the most basic pieces, like a hoodie, can be transformed into high fashion with the right vision and craftsmanship.

XIN / Robert Wun / Dior

In a world where fashion often finds itself oscillating between the vintage and the modern, XIN's choice of attire is a nod to embracing innovation while paying homage to timeless elegance. This custom piece by Robert Wun will undoubtedly be remembered as a moment where streetwear met sophistication on the grandest of stages.

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