Sophia Loren's Iconic Photo: A Closer Look into the Legendary Snap from 1957

Sept. 21, 2023 in Models & Actresses Photos by Charlotte Sinclair

Sophia Loren / Jayne Mansfield / LIFE

In honor of Sophia Loren's 89th birthday, it’s time to shed light on the true story behind the iconic 1957 photograph featuring herself and Jayne Mansfield. The snapshot was taken at a party organized by Paramount to honor Loren, who was just 23 years old at the time but had already starred in over 30 films.

Sophia Loren / Jayne Mansfield / LIFE
Sophia Loren / Jayne Mansfield / LIFE

Jayne Mansfield, one year Loren’s senior, was reportedly feeling the heat of competition and aimed to assert her presence unequivocally at the event. "She came right for my table. She knew everyone was watching. She sat down. And now, you know, she was barely… Where am I looking?" Loren explained, 57 years later, regarding her candid reaction captured in the photo. "I’m staring at her nipples because I am afraid they are about to come onto my plate. In my face, you can see the fear. I’m so frightened that everything in her dress is going to blow—BOOM!—and spill all over the table."

Sophia Loren / Jayne Mansfield / LIFE
Sophia Loren / Jayne Mansfield / LIFE

This legendary photograph has stood the test of time as a fascinating representation of the dynamics and unspoken rivalries within the golden age of Hollywood, showcasing an impromptu moment between two of cinema’s most unforgettable stars.

Sophia Loren / Jayne Mansfield / LIFE
Sophia Loren / Jayne Mansfield / LIFE

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