Sherilyn Fenn: Ethereal Beauty in Twin Peaks, Captured by Barry Hollywood

Nov. 15, 2023 in Models & Actresses Photos by Charlotte Sinclair

Sherilyn Fenn / photographed by Barry Hollywood

In the December 1990 issue of Playboy, captured through the lens of Barry Hollywood, we find an enchanting portrayal of Sherilyn Fenn by Glenn O'Brien. Fenn, with her gravskye-eyed gaze and porcelain skin, is the epitome of natural beauty. Her distinctive facial features are highlighted by a boomerang-shaped brow, adding an exclamation point to her already stunning visage.

Sherilyn Fenn / photographed by Barry Hollywood

Her voice, carrying a Zen-like drawl, suggests Southern origins, adding a layer of intrigue to her enigmatic persona. Petite, yet commanding, sweet, yet striking, Fenn's presence is nothing short of captivating. Her name, rhyming with Marilyn, seems to echo the allure of another era's icon.

Sherilyn Fenn / photographed by Barry Hollywood
Sherilyn Fenn / photographed by Barry Hollywood

Fenn's most notable role as Audrey Horne in David Lynch's "Twin Peaks" showcases her ability to blend coy innocence with existential depth. As the kooky, existential teen coquette in this wacky, meta-soap opera, she adds a unique flavor to the show's already rich tapestry.

Sherilyn Fenn / photographed by Barry Hollywood

This feature in Playboy, beautifully photographed by Barry Hollywood, not only accentuates Fenn's timeless beauty but also celebrates her impactful portrayal in "Twin Peaks." Her character remains a significant cultural symbol, making any Saturday night at home with the show an immersive experience in art and entertainment.

Sherilyn Fenn / photographed by Barry Hollywood
Sherilyn Fenn / photographed by Barry Hollywood

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