Château La Coste Hosts "Pierre Paulin Program: Des idées courbes, Des formes libres" Exhibition

Aug. 13, 2023 in Design & Décor by Charlotte Sinclair

park Château La Coste / Aix-en-Provence, France

In the scenic art park Château La Coste, located not far from Aix-en-Provence, France, a breathtaking exhibition called "Pierre Paulin Program: Des idées courbes, Des formes libres" has been set up. It offers a rare chance to witness the intersection of two artistic giants – the iconic French designer Pierre Paulin and the renowned Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer.

Pavilion of Artistic Collaboration:

The exhibition is held in a pavilion that marks Niemeyer's last construction. This space is now adorned with some of Paulin's most prominent works, showcasing the synergy between Paulin's innovative designs and Niemeyer's groundbreaking architecture.

park Château La Coste / Aix-en-Provence, France

Pierre Paulin's Designs:

Visitors will be greeted by Paulin's Alpha Club round chair, Ensemble Dune sofa, "broken" Déclive chaise lounge, Module shelves, curved C-shaped chairs, and Tapis-Siège armchairs. These pieces are synonymous with a design movement that transformed utilitarian objects into artistic expressions.

A Dialogue of Curves:

What stands out in this exhibition is the shared appreciation of curves by both artists. Although Paulin and Niemeyer worked in different domains, their deep understanding of the expressive potential of curves resonates throughout the exhibition.

park Château La Coste / Aix-en-Provence, France
park Château La Coste / Aix-en-Provence, France

Curators explain, "While Paulin and Niemeyer worked in different spheres, at this exhibition, it is apparent that they both shared a profound understanding of the expressive potential of curves. Their creative outputs have had a significant impact on the world of design and architecture. The use of smooth, sculptural forms breathed life and energy into the spaces and objects they created."

park Château La Coste / Aix-en-Provence, France

The "Pierre Paulin Program: Des idées courbes, Des formes libres" exhibition at Château La Coste is a celebration of two artistic legends. By bringing together the works of Paulin and the architecture of Niemeyer, the exhibition presents a visual dialogue that enriches our perception of design and architecture. It's a tribute to creativity, innovation, and the timeless allure of curves that shapes our understanding of art and design. The exhibition serves as a reminder of the boundless potential of artistic collaboration and the ways in which design transcends its function to become a form of art.

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