Art Meets Street Fashion: The Unconventional Project of Alexis Persani and Léo Caillard

June 19, 2023 in Photography & Visuals by Julian Everett

Street Stone

Artistic expression takes on a whole new dimension in 'Street Stone,' a unique photo project by French art duo, Alexis Persani and Léo Caillard. The concept? Dressing up world-renowned ancient statues from the Louvre Museum in hip streetwear. The result is an alternative perspective on art that challenges the way we perceive historical artefacts.

Léo Caillard, whose portfolio includes impressive clientele such as MAC, Orange, Y3, Azzaro, Equinox, Caudalie, and many others, teamed up with expert retoucher Alexis Persani to bring this innovative concept to life. The task was far from straightforward due to France's strict laws prohibiting any physical contact with artworks. Hence, their tool of choice for this fashion makeover was not a wardrobe, but Photoshop.

Street Stone
Street Stone

Caillard began by photographing the statues and his friends separately, with the latter imitating the poses of the ancient figures. The photos were then merged in Photoshop by Persani, effectively draping the millennia-old Greeks in contemporary clothing.

The transformation is as amusing as it is thought-provoking. The once austere and distant figures become strikingly relatable, their modern attire bridging the chasm of time. At the same time, it calls into question our relationship with historical artefacts and our subjective perceptions of them.

Street Stone
Street Stone

In the 'Street Stone' project, the synergy of ancient art and urban fashion shatters conventions, serving as a testament to the timeless essence of art and the ever-changing face of fashion. This novel fusion of epochs is sure to leave viewers contemplating the fluidity of artistic representation.

Stay tuned for more intriguing art features and fresh perspectives on design!

Street Stone

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