Las Pozas: Surreal Gardens in the Heart of Mexico

June 24, 2023 in Travel & Destinations by Charlotte Sinclair

Las Pozas, a surrealistic garden

Nestled in the subtropical rainforest on the slopes of the Sierra Madre Mountains in Mexico lies a hidden gem – Las Pozas, a surrealistic garden of over 32 hectares, crafted by the hands of an eccentric British poet and surrealist patron, Edward James. Perched 610 meters above sea level, Las Pozas offers a surprising juxtaposition of nature and surrealism in the midst of a rocky forest.

Las Pozas, a surrealistic garden
Las Pozas, a surrealistic garden

Between 1945 and 1965, James, while living in this enchanting landscape, constructed dozens of surrealistic concrete structures, each with its unique name and character. A labyrinth of staircases, ramps, bridges, and narrow winding pathways crisscross the precipitous natural rocks, transporting visitors into a dreamlike reality.

Las Pozas, a surrealistic garden
Las Pozas, a surrealistic garden

James' devotion to his surreal project was unwavering. He continued to enhance the park with new structures, even in his later years, leaving the project deliberately incomplete – a metaphor, perhaps, for the endless possibilities of the human imagination. Following his death in 1984 due to a stroke, the garden remains an enigmatic testament to James' deep affection for surrealism and his quest to defy the boundaries of conventional art and architecture.

Las Pozas, a surrealistic garden
Las Pozas, a surrealistic garden
Las Pozas, a surrealistic garden

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