
The Long-Awaited Restoration of Notre-Dame-de-Paris: A Journey Down the Seine

July 13, 2023 in Travel & Destinations by Charlotte Sinclair

A historic moment for one of the world's most famous cathedrals, Notre-Dame-de-Paris, is unfolding as the much-anticipated restoration of its wooden roof structure commences. The timber beams, derived from 200-year-old Breton oaks, have been transported along the Seine river, mirroring the route taken during the original construction of the iconic Parisian edifice.

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Notre-Dame de Paris Gets a Makeover by French Designer Guillaume Bardet

July 30, 2023 in Travel & Destinations by Charlotte Sinclair

The Notre-Dame de Paris, one of the world's most iconic cathedrals, is slated for a major restoration, set to be completed by the end of 2024. The restoration will incorporate a new design by French designer Guillaume Bardet, who has created a cohesive ensemble of interior elements that includes an altar, cathedra, seats, baptistery, and tabernacle.

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Jean-Charles de Castelbajac to Design Vestments for Notre-Dame's First Post-Restoration Mass

July 13, 2024 in Fashion & Style by Charlotte Sinclair

In a unique fusion of fashion and faith, celebrated designer Jean-Charles de Castelbajac has been commissioned to create vestments for the first liturgy in the newly restored Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris.

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